We need a word people!
I've been typing on the google
to informicate the noggin.
I only stopped to eat, sleep, drink
and let a lonely dog in.
Earlier at the corner shop
I'd heard some women rant
because some bloke had quite upset
his 2 uncles and an aunt.
They blathered on for ages
about him melting a plug socket.
Apparently he'd only gone
and built a flipping rocket!!
The rocket could travel faster
than speed and even light.
Somehow it had powered up
and no one knows its plight.
One uncle had gone and popped out
to go and get his pension.
As his wife dusted the rocket
she met a new dimension.
"2 uncles and an aunt"
That phrase had got me thinking.
There must be a word that makes more sense
where all those words are linking.
Mums and Dads are parents
and their children are called siblings.
All the family have collective names
Nieces and nephews are now called niblings!
But what about the aunts and uncs?
It just seems so absurd
that this very clumsy sentence
can't be shortened with one word.